Some creative shooting time

I've been doing a lot of writing lately – not what I PLANNED to do but somehow I accepted a few freelance writing gigs and, bingo, I'm researching and banging away. One interesting article just published at was on How to Get Freelance Photography Jobs. Everytime I wote a suggestion, I had to follow up and TAKE my own suggestion.  So, it took me a while to write, but I already got a posting from a photographer who enjoyed it and thanked me for my tips!

To treat myself to some "me" time, I signed up for a workshop with Robert Rodriguez Jr. that was arranged by Scenic Hudson at it's Long Dock Beacon park.
 It was written up as a "Beginners" class so I thought it might help me with this blog, offering some good tips. Everyone who showed up had "big guns" - I guess they were all followers of Rodriguez's work. He did REMIND me of the IMPORTANCE of having my tripod (which I had taken out of my trunk for full moon pics 2 days before and never returned) and, all in all, we had fun shooting a "not so exciting" sunset in a magnificent setting.
 I also did an engagement shoot this weekend at Pepsico Sculpture Park. Gorgeous day and place but not my best shoot. Bride kept closing her eyes. UGH! How am I going to deal with THAT at the wedding? Stay tuned!

Happy shooting!


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