
Showing posts from December, 2011

Merry Christmas - Happy Holiday!

Ah - I just discovered 45 free minutes while my pecan pie bakes. I am thoroughly enjoying this holiday season as I have made time to make some presents from my heart, stop and enjoy the company of people who have been tremendously meaningful to me and take walks as often as I can (thank you weather for remaining mild) to help me ward off the abundance of sugar and unneeded calories. Life has been hectic as we bid on a house but lost it to a higher bidder and then discovered another that is a truely lovely house, but it did require a relatively unplanned trip to Austin Texas last weekend.  All-in-all, life is good. The engineer gave it a great report and, despite the need for cosmetic surgery, I believe we will live many long and productive years in this new house. In other news, I won Print of the Year at the Dutchess Regional Professional Photographer's annual print competition. That blew me away! There were so many gorgeous photos - I was stunned when I realized they called...