Keeping up with 365

OK. Here's Day #12's Photo of the Day. 
My breakfast.  It's a delicious combination of my husband's homemade granola, milk, banana's and pomegranate seeds - crunchy, sweet and oh so yummy! We are expecting the grandkids later and I had my camera with the 105mm lens already out and on the tripod, so I figured I'd be an early bird for once. Lately I've been taking lots of photos and downloading them late in the day and having a difficult time trying to select which one to post on Facebook for the day.

Day 7 was especially confusing since I started off the day by seeing this on my way to the gym.
Now that's not something I see every day.  Guess they are advertising their new development to the commuting crowd. At any rate, the tethered balloon wasn't there very long, but I did have time to shoot it.

I later stopped off at the Barton Creek Mall where you get a pretty good vista of the Austin skyline.  It was a gray day, so this is what I got.

Not spectacular.   So, I stopped off at Mayfield Park, where the peacocks run wild,  which is always fun. I got several nice images of the peacocks - yikes. Now what to choose?

All good but this is the one I choose and called it "You Talking to Me?":

Then I went and got a really good shot of downtown decorated for the holidays on the way home which made my choice ever harder. But I did stick with the one above.

If you'd like to see Days 8, 9, 10 and 11, just ask to "friend" me on Facebook. I am really having fun with this challenge and coming up with some interesting shots. 

Keep shooting, friends!


To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.   -Elliott Erwitt


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