
Showing posts from July, 2017

Shooting the Milky Way

How do I let so much time go by between Blogs? Perhaps it's because I get very little feedback. Is anyone reading???? I started writing this blog when I was working at The Poughkeepsie Journal and I wanted to see if I could share some traveling experiences and tip as well as photographic knowledge with peers on a regular basis. Somewhere along the way I fell off the wagon and would like to try and come back.  So, if you are reading this and find it valuable in any way, PLEASE comment!!! This past weekend I had the joy of participating in a Milky Way shoot in Pocontoc, Texas.  I always love going out with my fellow photographers to try and overcome the challenges of space, settings, weather, bugs, atmosphere, and the unknown.  We had all of the above to contend with on Saturday night and I don't feel like I got the very best images, but I had a blast! First of all, we had to meet early and stop off for good barbeque.  Coopers in Llano had the very best brisket I