Merry Christmas - Happy Holiday!

Ah - I just discovered 45 free minutes while my pecan pie bakes. I am thoroughly enjoying this holiday season as I have made time to make some presents from my heart, stop and enjoy the company of people who have been tremendously meaningful to me and take walks as often as I can (thank you weather for remaining mild) to help me ward off the abundance of sugar and unneeded calories.

Life has been hectic as we bid on a house but lost it to a higher bidder and then discovered another that is a truely lovely house, but it did require a relatively unplanned trip to Austin Texas last weekend.  All-in-all, life is good. The engineer gave it a great report and, despite the need for cosmetic surgery, I believe we will live many long and productive years in this new house.

In other news, I won Print of the Year at the Dutchess Regional Professional Photographer's annual print competition. That blew me away! There were so many gorgeous photos - I was stunned when I realized they called my name.  I feel like I've come full-circle. A few years ago I joined that group because I saw a photo in the newspaper of someone showing their award-winning photo that had just won Print of the Year and the article gave info about the group, so I joined. Now I have that kudo under my belt. Pretty cool...and yet, it's just another day and I still feel the need to go out and take better images and more compelling photos. Here's the winner:
I am really looking forward to going to Big Bend National park in March and try to capture the cactus' in bloom.  Which reminds me, I just saw an EXCELLENT movie called Desert Flower. Awesome - enlightening and frightening at the same time.

But I digress, I just wanted to take the time here to wish all my friends, followers, fellow photographers a wonderful holiday season, surrounded by good friends, good food and good photography,

Keep shooting!  And have fun!


  1. You and Andy have no time for Christmas. You need to pack, pack and more pack! Make your reservations for Big Bend now or you will need a tent and the nights there will chill you to the bone. Your new house is a "little castle" and you're going to love it with or with out cosmetics, but a little lipstick there some blush here and it will be perfecto. I can't wait until you are in Texas 'cause Art's and The Magnolia are calling....and Charlotte too.
    Merry Christmas and a Texas New Year!


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