Watch What You Wish For

Why is it I always seem to learn the hard way? I thought it would be awesome to have my photographs up at a hip coffeeshop, so I inquired how to make that happen.  Strange Brew is a really cool venue for music, food, relaxing and getting some computing done, so it should be a nice place to show my landscape images, right?

Well, yes and no. The venue has two very large rooms and my photos actually look very small there.

And there are always people working away at their computers, so it is a bit uncomfortable to wander up and down the rooms to see my 35 images.
And many of my images look lost in these two large rooms I was offered. I should have printed them as large as I could, but I wasn't sure how they would all fit.

And it's a very ecclectic collection, with images from New York, New England 
and a lot of newer images from Austin, Texas. 

 So, I started this blog a few weeks ago to invite my friends to see the show, and then I started feeling that it wasn't that "perfect enough."  As an artist, you suddenly find yourself becoming a perfectionist and wanting everything to be just as perfect as you can make it. 

I met my friend Marybeth at the exhibit yesterday. She had already purchased an image of the NYC skyline and wanted to visit it (she'll have it for herself on Aug. 1st). As we were looking at the images on the wall (and I was re-straightening them for the umpteenth time), a patron said, "Are these yours? They are awesome! I've been studying here all week and listening to all of the wonderful comments and enjoying them myself."  

Wow - it's amazing what a little positive feedback can do for the soul!

If you are able, stop by Strange Brew any time in the month of July and let me know what you think. It's very vulnerable being in the public's eye, but very rewarding when someone stops to say, "Hey, I like that!"


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