Sure has been awhile

It's important to blog on a regular basis. I read that all the time. You have to keep your audience interested and coming back. That said, I see that I have not lived up to my own expectations. However, I have been active in researching new places, new technology and new ways to try and communicate. While sifting through my images, I see I have been a very busy photographer, even if I haven't been a dedicated blogger. 

One of the new places I explored was Asheville, North Carolina. We visited very dear, old friends....

Who took us to see the Biltmore, the largest privately owned home in the US.  Surrounded by lush, rolling green mountains, the Biltmore is as exquisite inside as it is outside and the grounds are spectacular as well.
Getting closer to their own home in Boiling Springs, South Carolina, we even had time to fool around with Einstein.

As the owner of a new ipad2, I showed my toy off to friend, Judy, who immediately had to have one. (Hey Apple - do a get a referral fee?) I am having a blast playing with the ipad - discovering new apps and new ways to look at the world. It's astounding to be able to take a quality video on it, use it as a dictaphone, read current magazines with awesome graphics and play games when I am bored (which rarely happens, but I have become an Angry Bird fanatic). I am reading more and more about the importance in Twittering (tweeting) and, while I haven't quite grasped the language, I do like to follow the wisdom of other photographers and social media mavens. My challenge for the week is to become even more adept at utilizing Social Media. 

So, with that in mind, I really hope to get some more followers and provide some really good, quality information in the coming weeks.  Keep shooting, friends, and PLEASE tweet me, follow me, tell your friends about me....or just let me know what you DON'T like, so I can work to improve it. 
Oh, and here's a link I stumbled on today that I thought was absolutely outrageous!


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