Feel Like I've Been Through a Cyclone

Moving is Nuts! The million and one decisions, variables, games that are played and work to be done is all exhausting and insane. But, we finally made it and are beginning to see progress in our new home. Of course, it has meant that I haven't gotten a lot of photography accomplished of late, and I'm definitely behind on blogging, but I am back in the saddle and looking forward to some great, new experiences.

Check out the bold colors we decided to go with. This is my new TEAL kitchen with the TERRA COTTA Dining Room in the background. I am loving the new vibes. We hope to re-do the cabinets in the future, but for now it's a pretty nice lace to cook. Here's a view from the other side:
Our living room is still a work in progress - desperately in need of some seating, but look how we changed it.
So, I guess you can see why the blog has gone neglected. But the best part of being in Austin is being able to enjoy my new status as a Grandma:
Look, she's already a Nikon fan!

This weekend I'm planning to get serious again, as I join a group on the East Side of Austin for a Photo Walk. I'm really looking forward to it. I hope the weather is warm and the Austinite Photography Community is friendly and welcoming. Looking really forward to get those creative juices flowing again! Enough with the boxes already, let's get shooting!

Happy shooting, friends.


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