Best of 2018

As the year winds down, I can't help but look back and note that it was a very good one. I had my photographs shown in several exhibits, I got to practice my creativity a lot and I got a great deal of travel to new and fun places. 

The year began with a fun macro workshop with Doug Box and Randy Kerr where they had several stations set up to challenge our macro endeavors. The rose on the top row, middle photo was taken there as well as several others that I treasure.  That one was in a fish tank and Doug was splashing the water to make the ripples.  

The one on top left was taken in January after coming home from NYC where I attended my grandson's 5th birthday. The sky welcomed me home here in Texas with a brilliant array of colors and my husband encouraged me to hike closer to that old barn. 

There are a few from a jaunt with friends in March to Brenham, Tx. in search of a great background for the fabulous Bluebonnet crop we had this year.  At one point we got stuck in the mud and had a herd of cows chasing us. We laughed hysterically and never found the barn we were in search of, but we got some good pictures and memories that will last forever.

My husband and I took a road trip to NY in July, stopping in Little Rock, Ak and Nashville and adding more photos and memories to the year. We visited the Croton Dam and the marvelous sunset on the Hudson River while in Croton.

In September I got to enjoy a landscape workshop in Rocky Mountain National Park with Kevin Gourley  (check out my blog: and then we headed to the Grand Tetons to practice scenic photography in the most beautiful mountains you can find.

Sometime this year I took a compositing class with Kirk Marsh and a water droplet class with Kevin Gourley. I posted strange selfies every Friday on Instagram (see the blogpost: which challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. 

As the year ended I got to photograph the Painted Churches of Texas and I got one more trip to the Big Apple for a family Holiday visit and a chance to do a little street photography as practice for my upcoming trip to Cuba.  

Even as I write this, I can think of so many other unnamed adventures. I am so grateful for having had an excellent 2018 and I look forward to continued growth, travel and adventures in 2019.  May you, too have great memories of the year past and good health and happiness in the upcoming year. Cheers!


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