
I've been thinking of trying to post more often. Of course, that is where it began and look where it's turned out.  I see I have ONE "follower" (thank you Danielle!). Not even my kids read what I've written. Heavy sigh. Could it be because I have written nothing of worth? Yes. That is it!  What have I offered of value to the general reading public? A blog needs to offer some information (or at least a laugh). The blogs I enjoy most are photography blogs that show me new techniques on lighting or provide inspiration or identification with a shared experience.  Joe McNally talks about being compelled to go back to Starbucks to take a photo of a pair of hands.  I've been there - don't always have the courage to go back and get the shot (hmm- that should probably be rarely have the b____s) but I definitely ID with the feeling. Scott Kelby tells me about new equipment (and now I'm craving the ipad) and David Hobby is the best as he shares all kinds of wonderful lighting techniques.  I especially love when he talks about being in the newspaper industry since that is where my home is.

So, what can I offer? I always love the concept of "giving back." But waht can I share and who will be willing to read it? I can talk about Introductory Photography or How to work in Quark, In Design, Photoshop. How to mother (Get those kids away from the computer and PLAY with them!!!!), How to Diet (I'm a pro at that - losing weight is a whole nuther topic though), how to write a press release that will get noticed..... My problem often is that I FORGET that others don't know what I know. I just ASSUME (making an ass out of u and me) that everyone knows ... well, everything. Even m freelancers write articles telling you how to decorate your house and I am stunned that anyone can state "start with fresh paint."  Duh. Doesn't EVERYONE know that? So I guess I need to dumb myself down and start from scratch (or are there a million other blogs already providing into information?)

I spoke to 2 friends recently who were eager to become better photographers and they made me realize that I DO have something to offer. Perhaps I can get them to read my blog and try speaking to them directly.  I told them to take their camera's off automatic settings (the P setting on Nikon's - for "Program") and try "A" for aperture priority. This is something I learned from Moose Peterson, the god of nature and wildlife photography (another blog I follow regularly). Experiment with different "f" stops.  Know that the lowest numbers allow you the most light and tightest focus on one element, blurring out all else, thus the least depth of field, and the higher numbers offer you the MOST depth of field but least light. I sure wish someone had explained that to me better 10 years ago (hell, 40 years ago!) Thinking back, I did know that...but I rarely put it into practice. With kids growing up and moving fast, I just decided it was easier to park in "P" mode and hope for the best.  No more. Now I want to see what I can make of the scene. How I can dress it up it's best. I work a scene. I take way too many pictures and get it from every angle and try to find a way to show it off that hasn't been done before or will allow my viewer to feel the emotions I felt when I shot it.  So I look for compelling scenes and try my best to capture them in a way that others will say "oooh, ahhh" or, better yet, "Wow."

Here's an example of using shallow depth of field (smaller f stop number/more light) to get the flower sharp but the background blurry.


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