Addicted to Photography

Hi, my name is Chris and I am an addict.

My addiction is photography.

It runs my life. I own 3 cameras, 6 lenses and untold flashes, filters, bags and doo-dads and still I want more. I work as a graphic artist for a small town daily newspaper (making a pitifully small salary) and I’m elated when they send me out to take a photo of a doctor, new retail store or a product shot for advertising. I spend my weekends doing portraits, weddings, children’s theater and my own personal favorite, landscapes.

I am president of a “professional” camera club and a member of two others (as well as being a member of NAPP and PPA). I have had images selected to be in juried shows and have placed in photo competitions (alas, I haven’t achieved ‘gold’ yet). My ego gets stroked by my compulsive desire to post my images on Facebook. I’ve been told I’m good but I long persistently to be better. I want my obituary to ready “great photographer.” 

I’ve joined support groups but I just can’t break this habit. I got to meet Moose Peterson (the famous landscape and wildlife photographer) and he taught me the value of Aperture priority and I’ve never turned back. I’m having my first solo exhibit in April and am using an image I got thanks to DLWS as my Invite.  I yearn to get more images like this.

As I said, my name is Chris and I am a photographic addict.

(To see some of my images, go to


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