Missing travel and wondering where to go next

I started this blog to get used to the idea of writing on a daily basis...and it has fallen into a once every couple of months syndrome. Perhaps that's because I'm not traveling enough. I am certainly craving a trip right now. My boss just came back from a wonderful time in Mexico, near Cancun, but in a more off-the-beaten-track, cabin-on-the-beach setting near a tropical preserve and ancient ruins. I'm dying here!  She said she thought of me when they took a trip to an island where all kinds of exotic birds live and they all flew home at sunset, allowing her the heart-stopping exhilaration of hearing them all call to one another in their own comfortable space. I need a vacation!

Andy and I have been contemplating our next trip lately. There's a photographic learning experience available in June at Lake Powell that will also be visiting Antelope Arch and more cool sounding places. I really want to do that. Or there's a cruise in September, leaving from NY and headed up the coast, stopping off in Bar Barbor, Maine and Halifax.  Oooo - I've been dying to see that lighthouse on Peggy's Cove  - and a cruise should allow a great many sightings of cool, New England lighthouses. Judy has reminded me that I haven't seen her new home in South Carolina. Which reminds me, I'd love to check out Charleston and Savannah. And while we're south, why not see the Florida Keys? Oh yeah, and there is that nagging pull to see Glacier National Park, the Grand Tetons, Lake Tahoe or even the finger lakes in good old New York State.

I suppose this is the "good stuff."  The dreaming and coming up with a plan. But all I can think of, is there are so many places to see and so little time or money. And I haven't even allowed the thought of Europe, Iceland or Indonesia to enter my consciousness.  Someone suggested yesterday that I should put all the places I named above into a hat and choose one.  Is that the best way to go? Stay tuned.


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