Making photographs

"You don't take a photograph.... You make it."
                                                           –Ansel Adams

This seems truer than ever after taking a full day seminar with Scott Kelby on Lightroom 3 in NYC yesterday.  It was inspiring watching him make blah images pop.  Naturally I downloaded the free trial version today and can't seem to do any of the great things he did yesterday. Perhaps the free trial is missing some of the bells and whistles.

The photo above needed only a little cropping as my post production work. I was blessed with a beautiful sunset and I like the silhouette effect I got as I approached the scene.
I really like this image, although I remember that sun to be a much more vivid orange. It was a hazy day and I captured that, but the sun seemed to pop right out of the haze and I haven't found a way to reproduce that.

Help me out here. Is this one worth saving? What can I do to it in post production that will help make it better?  Perhaps if I spend the next few days learning Lightroom, I'll find the answer.

Happy shooting!


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