Things are about to "click"

Today is my first day of retirement - er, that is the first day of my life as professional photographer. It's kind of a mixed bag - I have so many ideas I want to pursue, yet I kind of feel like I'm on vacation. It's a beautiful, warm, sunny day and I have an agenda - declutter my office, mat and frame beach pictures to sell this weekend at LBI, make a wedding album to show my work, update the website, figure out how to use some new software, practice lighting techniques with some new equipment I purchased recently..... Oh dear, I've got more on my list than I'm going to be able to handle.
I gave myself an assignment to start the new career off - photography my brother's family. Now THAT was a challenge! Even with a great deal of help, trying to get 5 people to smile at the same time was quite an effort. There are 3 I like:

Even so, the baby, Brynn just doesn't look happy. I may have to do some cloning of heads. I did do a bit better just trying to focus in on the children individually.
Oops -he's not one of the children! Well, he was as we were growing up - that's my baby brother, Paul. Rather, handsome, huh? And here's the child I'm trying to train to smile for my camera, Mr. Ryan.
OK, so even though I feel like I'm playing on my first official day as a pro, I really am working hard.  Thanks for stopping by and keep on shooting great photos!


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