I love following some wonderful photographers and teachers on a regular basis. There are so many out there filled with free, enthusiastic wisdom and challenges. Earlier this week, photographer Rick Sammon showed an image that he composited and enhanced with a NIK filter. He provided the original images and challenged folks to use those same images and create a different picture.  Here are the originals:
Go to Rick's site to see the image he crafted.  This is what I came up with by duplicating the birds, placing them a few inches away from one another and then using Nik's Color Efex Pro filter Color Contrast. Actually, I used Color Contrast twice - an accident because I was looking up the name of the filter, but I decided I liked how it popped.

Thanks Rick, for providing the challenge. It was lots of fun. Can't wait to see what others come up with.
(Check out a really cool one at Darina Boycheva )
Happy shooting!


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