Visiting the High Line

We were so blessed with a warm, sunny day last Saturday and I thoroughly enjoyed strolling New York City's newest attraction, the High Line, with my brilliant and successful daughter, Kiryn. A city girl who resides in Brooklyn, Kiryn loves accessing all that the Big Apple has to offer.  I am just beginning to realize that I am leaving behind many wonderful places that I have not yet experienced. But, that's what coming back and visiting will accomplish for me in the future.

Check out the High Line's website for a more organic view of what exactly it is. In a nutshell,
it's a spectacular public park built on an elevated railway along 16th- 34th streets on Manhattan’s West Side.  Their website and blog do a whole lot more about telling it's story, but I will say it was a treasure of a find and a place I would like to go back to again and again.

Brilliant daughter, Kiryn
View of the Empire State building beyond an old church

New Frank Gehry building
Even when you are packing like crazy and getting ready for a big move, it's important to take time to grab a few shots. I had a lot of fun using my new 70-200mm lens on this trip. It was a challenge because it brought things in so close, but it's great to be challenged. Good things come from it, like this.
Keep shooting, friends.  Happy trails!


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