A Very Long Vacation

My sister and daughter posing in front of a Peep Show.
I always live for the next vacation and I generally pack a lot into to every trip. We just returned from a terrific, jam-packed, family and friend visiting, wedding-filled, fun times trip to New York.  

Unfortunately I had written this whole blog and somehow ended up deleting it - so, heavy sigh, here I go again. 

During our month-long trip, we got to 2 weddings: One, a very old friend's daughter who looked exactly like her mother did many years ago.
Jessica and John Murray
And a grand niece of my husband's who did such a great job with making her special day unique and fun. She wore hot pink shoes, the guys wore orange Converse sneakers and the girls wore flip flops with orange and pink flowers. The party was in an open barn and the day turned out spectacularly with lots of children dancing and good old fashioned family fun.
Justine Marsh toasting Jennifer and Robert Treto.

Naturally I had to squeeze in a Broadway play - "Nice Work if You Can Get It" which was hokey and hilarious. We sat in the front row and got to see the costumes and details up close. We had lunch at Carmine's and thoroughly enjoyed our "girls" day in NYC.
We were so close to the orchestra pit, I just had to grab a picture.

My girls, Liz, Teresa, Marian, Kiryn, Kathleen and Mom (Clare)
 One NYC day is never enough for me. I made another trip in a week later to meet my cousins Maureen and Eileen and check out the High Line. 
The High Line was an elevated railroad track that is now a super cool walkway with great views of NYC. In the background is the new Frank Gehry building. 

Some very unusual flowers

Nearby is  Chelsea Market which was a train depot and is now a lovely mall with all kinds of great food - even lobsters!

Our vacation included lots of lunches with old friends and a trip to Long Beach Island in New Jersey (separate blog coming soon). 
Me and two of my oldest and dearest friends, Carolyn and Mary.

One of the nicest treats we gave ourselves was a visit to the New York Botanical Gardens where there is currently a fabulous Monet exhibit. The flowers were outrageous colors and combinations. I could go on forever. Needless to say I took another 1500 images while we were gone.  All in all it was a VERY photographic journey and a wonderful time with so many important people in our lives.

Keep shooting, friends!  And enjoy your summer while creating some great memories to save for posterity.



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